NCLEX made easy-5 Tips to Ace Your NCLEX exam

Hello Nurses,
If you’ve completed your nursing education, and you’re ready to get out of the classroom to begin your nursing career in Australia, there’s just one thing standing between you and your dream job; obtaining your Registered Nursing license.

In order to get your RN license, you need to pass Outcome-Based Assessment (OBA exam). OBA is conducted in two steps.

1. Step 1: NCLEX RN exam: MCQ based computer adaptive test
2. Step 2: An objective structured clinic exam (OSCE).

You will be required to pass the MCQ before moving to the OSCE.

If you’re stressed or worried, you shouldn’t be. With adequate prep materials, time and several helpful tips, you’ll have no problem passing the NCLEX RN exam.

Here are some of the most useful tips and tricks that will help you ace your NCLEX exam.

1. Block Off Time to Study
Set aside time to study in an atmosphere that is most conducive to your learning. To avoid interruptions and distractions, inform them that you are studying.

2. Use Updated Study Tools
Taking an NCLEX review course is beneficial to pass the exam on the first attempt. In addition, using the updated study materials such as books, prep classes, guidelines play a significant role in your NCLEX preparation journey.

3. Remember Needs Prioritization
Need prioritization questions to dominate the NCLEX exam. You may expect to see these types of questions mostly in your exam. Always examine the patient first and administer the best suitable nursing intervention. Physical requirements that are life-threatening take precedence. Keeping this in mind will assist you in eliminating the rest of the options.

4. Keep in Mind the ABCs
Remembering the ABCs of needs prioritization—airway, breathing, circulation—will help you identify the biggest priorities first. Choose your options in that A-B-C order.

5. “Do Nothing” Cannot be the Correct Answer
Beware of multiple choice answers that suggest you should leave the patient, do nothing, or delay treatment. You can always do something.

Lead College has a variety of expert NCLEX instructors to help prepare you to pass the NCLEX, so feel free to contact Lead College Australia to know more about the NCLEX training program. You can send reach us on WhatsApp on +61 478 860 673 .

Our representative will reach out to you assist you at the earliest.